Blender Geometry Node Garment Wrap Modifier
This Geometry Node "Garment Wrap" Modifier corrects overlapping meshes to deny clipping realistically.
Whenever you are applying deformations to multiple layers, it's really easy for the weight paints to evaluate differently and the result is ugly clip-through between the layers of your model's outfit. This modifier searches for any clipping situations and gently "tugs" the vertices back up to their proper height, and smoothly transitions back to nothing in the rest of your model so you don't have to spend tedious time correcting things with Hooks or other workarounds. And let the garments stack up in layers, because this modifier can keep multiple layers sorted.
Some tips:
* If you apply a Subsurf modifier before/higher than this modifier, you will need to use more Smooth Iterations to get a good result. Experiment with applying your subsurf after/below this modifier for best viewport editing performance, but the detection of clipping will be slightly worse for some mesh designs.
* If your objects have different base-level Scale amounts, the "Safe Distance" and "Reach Distance" may not work as you expect. These are computed in the scale of the mesh you apply this modifier. Best practice is for your whole character to use just one Scale, such as Scale=(1,1,1) throughout all of its body parts.
* After you're happy with the settings of the Garment Wrap, you can turn off the modifier's viewport visibility and let it remain enabled just for render time. This will keep the viewport editing performance high if you use a lot of Garment Wraps throughout your model.
Works on Blender versions from 3.2 up.
This Geometry Node "Garment Wrap" Modifier corrects overlapping meshes to deny clipping realistically.